Sustainability at tetys: climate targets and sustainability indicators

What are climate targets and sustainability indicators?
Sustainability indicators are key figures and measurable values that are determined as part of sustainability management. These include the Global Sustainability Goals (SDGs), the EU Commission's indicator set, the German Sustainability Strategy (DNS) and the sustainability strategies of the German federal states.
The German government has set itself the goal of making Germany greenhouse gas-neutral by 2045. They are addressing the question "By when must all greenhouse gases be avoided or sequestered and how can we achieve this goal?"
European energy and climate targets and target agreements
The members of the European Union have committed themselves to climate and energy policy targets in accordance with the Framework Convention on Climate Change and various resolutions. The EU targets for 2020 were met and even exceeded, but the medium and long-term targets can only be achieved through increased efforts.
With the EU Climate Law, the EU has raised its long-term target for 2050. It is now aiming for zero greenhouse gas emissions ("climate neutrality") and subsequently negative emissions from 2050.
What can we as tetys contribute to achieving this goal?
The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in society and is also very close to our hearts. Many of our customers are pursuing the goal of more efficient production. Our system therefore contributes to this topic on several levels.
Errors, susceptibilities and rejects, for example, are reduced and lead to savings in production materials, which are often produced from raw materials. This conserves environmental resources and reduces CO2 emissions.
This not only has an impact on our customers, but also on society and the environment. But it's not just our system that we attach great importance to. We also want to be as sustainable as possible ourselves.
Whether in purchasing, business trips or resources. At tetys, we make a conscious effort to look after our environment every day. Every year, tons of waste are disposed of, even though many products are still usable. A large amount of waste can be avoided by using reusable systems, combination appliances and durable, high-quality products.
We also offer our employees flexible working hours and 100% home office. This not only leads to a good work-life balance, but also improves the environmental balance. Unnecessary traffic jams and high traffic volumes on the way to work and further CO2 pollution can be avoided. Nowadays, online conferencing also makes it possible to avoid business trips, as online conferencing is possible anytime and anywhere, whether in the home office, office or on the road, as long as a stable internet connection is available.
But what if you have to go on a business trip?
This is not a problem for us either, as most of our business trips take place within Germany. Compared to air travel, which has fatal consequences for the environment, we at tetys use the Deutsche Bahn. It also offers travel with eco-electricity. Our employees also have the option of using our company vehicles. Here, too, we have recently seen the advantage of using environmentally friendly electric cars and cars with hybrid drive to protect the environment.