tetys solution: Module - DNC

In the age of Industry 4.0, the topic of sustainability plays an important role, whether for companies, society or consumers. Sustainability has become a guiding principle for social change. More and more companies are asking themselves how this goal can be pursued more efficiently.
Surely this is also the case for you. With the tetys DNC module, you create the basis for sustainable competitiveness and your future!
Direct Numerical Control (DNC) or Distributed Numerical Control (DNC) is more important than ever in the age of industry.
What is the DNC module and what is the aim of this module?
This module manages and controls the production data, information and processes of a component. This prevents unsecured data being distributed via computers or machines in production and employees having to ensure that the correct data is used.
DNC data management is used to communicate with machines and to store and manage data in the database. Correctly recorded setting data leads to a smooth production process, a reduction in faulty production and lower energy consumption.</p
A uniform user interface that is independent of the machine type is used for this purpose.
There are two variants of the DNC system:
- DNC Plastics: Management of setting data for the production machines connected to the PDA system (e.g. injection molding machines or extruders). DNC plastics is an additional module of the tetys MES system.
- DNC toolmaking: Management of sequence programs for computer-controlled production machines (e.g. milling machines). DNC toolmaking is an add-on module of the tetys MES toolmaking system.
The DNC system includes the following functions:
- Management of any number of setting data records or programs per machine. (For reasons of consistency, these data records are also referred to as "programs" in DNC plastic).
- Management of any number of revisions of a program ("generations").
- Transfer of data records from and to the machine.
- Experimental mode (simple data transfer in both directions for test or experimental purposes).
- Test functions for cabling, configuration and machine control.
Special functions of DNC plastic:
- Automatic selection of the program to be sent to a machine based on the current PDA order data.
- Trigger data transmission on the PC and/or group terminal.
- Display of the setting variables in a standardized form (with additional module "Setup sheet").
Sonderfunktionen von DNC-Werkzeugbau:
- Datenübertragung auf Initiative der Maschine ohne Interaktion am PC (je nach Maschinentyp).
- Übernahme von DNC-Programmen von einem CAD-System.
What are the advantages of this module?
- Direct, secure access to all production data and information that has been released
- No redundant data or data chaos within production
- The throughput times are shorter
- Scrap is avoided
What does this mean for the topic of sustainability?
The aim of sustainable production is to protect the environment by optimizing company processes. Sources of error and faults should be identified at an early stage to reduce increased waste, energy and material consumption.
Correctly recorded data prevents errors in production. Resources and energy are conserved as rejects, delivery delays and production downtime are avoided. Smooth production processes result in high product quality, low energy and material consumption, satisfied customers and employees and an improved image.
Start with the DNC module from tetys and see for yourself.